Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Hey Guys,

Hope all is well at H.C. Sorry to hear about all the campus craziness in the early-going, but there's nothing like the crisp Fall air to help you move on .

So, I spent much of my summer working on a video for the 15th anniversary of the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP). KIPP is a national charter school program that's closing the achievement gap in under-served neighborhoods with longer school days, school on Saturdays and summer school. With all this school you'd think the KIPPsters (as they're called) would be glum, but whenever I visit these schools, the kids seem upbeat and fired-up about learning.

Teach For America alumni Dave Levin and Mike Feinberg started KIPP in a 5th grade classroom in Houston in 1994. Now, there are over 82 schools (mostly middle schools) in 19 States and the District of Columbia. Mike and Dave busted their asses to make KIPP a reality, and they are two of the most inspiring guys I've ever been around.

All the KIPP teachers I've met have this sense that they're part of a very positive movement in public education. The work is hard and the environment is challenging, but KIPP teachers' commitment to the kids and education is incredible.

If you ever thought about becoming a teacher or a school leader you should definitely check out this video and find out more about KIPP.

